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This album consists of meditation music aimed at activating the seven chakras and storing energy for them.

Each music centered on the appropriate frequency for each chakra.  

The final music "New Land (shintenchi)" is played with each frequency in order from the first chakra to the seventh chakra.


<First chakra>


Frequency: 396hz

Position: Tailbone

Color: red

Effect: Free from sin, trauma and fear


<Second chakra>


Frequency: 417hz

Position: Below the navel

Color: orange

Effect: Recovery from negative emotions


<Third Chakra>


Frequency: 528hz

Position: stomach

Color: yellow

Effect: Realization of ideal, cell recovery


<4th chakra>


Frequency: 639hz

Position: Heart

Color: Emerald green

Effect: Restoring human relationships Bringing affection



<Fifth Chakra>


Frequency: 741hz

Position: Throat

Color: Sapphire blue

Effect: Receiving the words of the spiritual world. Improving expression


<Sixth Chakra>


Frequency: 852hz

Position: Between the eyebrows

Color: purple

Effect: Increasing decisiveness and intuition


<Seventh Chakra>


Frequency: 963hz

Position: Top of head

Color: White

Effect: Connecting with higher dimension and the universe

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<Music to the Seven Chakras>

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